913 Uxbridge Crescent
coming Monday, January 25 to MLS® System
How has real estate adapted to Covid-19?
Our main focus is to keep you safe, while helping you through your real estate transaction. Click the video to learn more about how real estate has changed during Covid-19.
Recommendations for Sellers
If you have travelled recently or have symptoms of COVID-19, tell your Realtor Turn on all lights
Leave interior doors open
Sanitize all door handles after showings
For your safety, open houses will not be used as a marketing tool
Multiple offer situations will be handled through email and teleconferences Feature sheets will be provided to Buyers electronically
Notify your Realtor if you become ill within two weeks of a showing Avoid handshaking and practice social distancing measures
Recommendations for Buyers
Tell your Realtor in advance of showings if you travelled, have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 or have any symptoms of COVID-19
Travel in a separate vehicle from your Realtor
Avoid handshaking and practice social distancing measures
Only enter the home with the minimum amount of people. Children are advised not to attend. Use hand sanitizer prior to entering each property
Do not touch anything in the property (keep hands in your pockets to help remember) Leave all light switches on
Let your Realtor open all doors and patios (I have gloves) Do not sit on furniture
Do not use the washroom
Use hand sanitizer after departing each property
Buyers should only attend the final portion of the home inspection to be shown issues and debriefed. Notify your Realtor immediately if you become ill within two weeks of a showing